Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I'm Becoming A Gym Rat...

Well guys, I broke down and joined my local gym.

My at-home workouts just weren't happening.
When I get home from work in the evenings, I'm so burnt out from my work day that I just don't feel like doing ANYTHING, let alone working out.

I've been working out Monday-Friday (with only 2 missed days so far) for a month now and I LOVE IT. The gym I go to is a 24/7 gym so I can go whenever I want.

I've been going early in the morning before work and let me tell you...it's tough. I have NEVER in my life been a morning person. But I found a ton of tips online and talked to a couple girls at work who have always done their workouts in the morning and I've compiled a list of tips to becoming a morning workout person:

  • PACK YOUR STUFF THE NIGHT BEFORE. I get everything ready to go at night so I can just walk out my door in the morning. My gym bag (water bottle, towel, shampoo, body wash, lotion, body spray, travel hair brush, hair spray, make up bag, work clothes, and fresh undies), and my lunch bag (lunch, snacks, shaker bottle, and a scoop of my Shakeology powder).
  • HAVE YOUR WORKOUT CLOTHES READY TO GO. I pick mine out, again, the night before and have them laid out on my dresser so I can just grab them and get dressed as soon as I roll out of bed. (I've even heard that some people sleep in their workout clothes).
  • GO TO BED EARLY. This one was hard for me. I'm a night owl and love to stay up late. Plus, that was when I got everything done around the house (so I've been relying a lot on my boyfriend's help to keep the house clean.) Since I get up at 5:30 and the recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours, I TRY to be in bed by 9:30 and most of the time I succeed.
  • DON'T HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. It's tempting...oh I know it's tempting, but DON'T DO IT. It just makes it that much easier to say "Eh, I already snoozed, I'm just not going". Roll your butt out of bed as soon as that alarm goes off.
  • LET YOUR HUBBY/WIFE/BF/GF/SO KNOW WHAT'S UP. I used to have a horrible problem with Dave. When my alarm would go off he'd snuggle up to me and say "Don't go. Just stay home today" and I almost did a couple times. BUT, I talked to him and let him know how important it is to me that I get back into shape and start getting healthy again and he understands, so now he just lets me go about my business in the morning. 
  • FIND A FRIEND. When I first started working out in the mornings I didn't think I'd stick with it. But one of the girls in my department at work goes to the same gym I do in the mornings. If she doesn't see me at the gym she will BUST MY BUTT!!!!! If there is ever a day I consider not going, I think "I have to or shes going to cuss me out at work today". So see if you can enlist someone, ANYONE, to be your workout buddy. Or, just make friends at the gym! = )

I've noticed a lot of benefits to working out in the morning:
  • I'm happier and more energetic throughout the day.
  • My days seem to go faster because I'm getting so much done first thing in the morning.
  • I don't miss out on time with Dave because he's still sleeping. Since I work weekdays and he works weekends the evenings are our only chance to see each other.
  • I get kind of a weird rush knowing that I'm doing more before 8AM than most people do in a whole day (hey, I admitted it was weird). 
  • There are only a few people in the gym that early, as opposed to being PACKED FULL after work. 

All in all, I'm happy with my morning sweat sessions.
I do need to take and post my measurements again, I haven't done that in awhile. Gotta check up on my progress! Until then, good bye Shirelings!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Monday, March 23, 2015

Calorie and Nutritional Needs

Good morning my Shirelings and happy Monday!

In my internet wanderings this weekend, I came across a marvelous tool to calculate your daily calorie and nutrient needs. Figuring out how many calories and grams you should get each day from carbs, protein, and fat (also known as macro nutrients), takes just a little bit of math.

The following calculations come from the Institute of Medicine.

First, we are going to calculate daily caloric needs. (Grab a calculator!)
This is to find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight but it is a baseline ONLY. If you are more active, you are going to need more calories than someone who is sedentary.

I'll be using my weight of 153 as an example. 

1. Convert your weight in pounds to kilograms by dividing your pounds by 2.2.
153/2.2 = 69.55
2. Multiply your weight in kilograms by 9.99.
69.55 x 9.99 = 694.80
3. Convert your height in inches to centimeters by multiplying your inches by 2.54.
62 x 2.54 = 157.48
4. Multiply your height in centimeters by 6.25.
157.48 x 6.25 = 984.25
5. Multiply your age in years by 4.92.
27 x 4.92 = 132.84
6. Add the numbers from steps 2 and 4, and subtract the number from step 5.
694.80 + 984.25 = 1679.05 - 132.84 = 1546.21
7. To the total from step 6, add 5 if you are a man, or subtract 161 if you are a woman.
1546.21 - 161 = 1385.21
1385 Total
Your total is the number of calories you'd need per day to keep your weight the same. 

Next, we'll calculate your daily Macro amounts.

Carbohydrates: You should be getting anywhere from 45 to 65 percent of your calories from carbs, so we'll just go with half.  
Determine how many calories you should have from carbs each day:
Multiply your daily calories (that total number from above) and multiply by 50 percent.
1385 x .50 = 692.50
Now lets see how many GRAMS of carbs you should eat daily. Carbs contain 4 calories per gram so divide your daily carb calories by 4. 
692.50/4 = 173.125
Total carbs - 173g daily

Protein: Between 10 to 35 percent of you daily needs should come from protein. I'm going to use 20% for our calculations. 
Calculate how many calories of protein you should have each day.
Multiply your daily calories by 20 percent. 
1385 x .20 = 277
Now lets see how many grams of protien you should eat daily. Protein contain 4 calories per gram so divide your daily protein calories by 4. 
277/4 = 69.25
Total protein - 69g daily

Fat: Between 20 to 35 percent of your daily needs should come from fat (GOOD FATS!!!!!!). I'm going to use 30%.
Determine how many calories from fat you can have each day.
Daily calories times 30 percent.
1385 x .30 = 415.50
Fat contains 9 calories per gram so to determine how many grams of fat you need daily, divide your fat calories by 9.
415.50/9 = 46.17
Total fat - 46g daily

Now I know it looks like a lot you guys, and it kind of is, but it is really useful information if you are seriously looking to keep your body in tiptop shape. 

In addition to using my Weight Loss Journal, I have also started using My Fitness Pal because it TRACKS MY MACROS FOR ME!!!!!  You can plug in all of your above numbers to set your daily nutritional goals and BOOM it's all there in black and white for you. 

I use both the website and the mobile app, so here is a screen shot of nutrition section of the mobile app and how it compares how you did with your daily goals.  Pretty nifty if you ask me. 
It definitely takes the guesswork out of tracking your Macros. 

Looking for REASONS to track your Macros? Well, I have those too!

1.) Even SLIGHT changes in your nutritional intake could mean the difference between shedding those last few stubborn pounds or staying where you are, stuck on your plateau.
Like I said in my Watching What I Eat post (Linked above under Weight Loss Journal), little bits add up.

2.) Get a handle on your cravings! If your making sure that your body gets exactly what it needs every day, your random junk food cravings should start to disappear. 

3.) You have a deadline to meet. Wedding? Vacation? High School Reunion? TRACK THOSE MACROS! If you've noticed that the scale hasn't budged, it may be because you're taking on excess carbs! Take a look and get everything back on track. Everything should work out fine. 

4.) It will help you learn to proper portion sizes. Sometimes we under- (or even over-) estimate how much we are taking in everyday. Obviously too much fueling is going to put a damper on your weight loss, but too little could as well. You NEED to take in a certain amount of calories everyday in order for your body to perform its everyday tasks (digestion, natural detox, breathing, keeping your heart beating, etc) if you don't, things can get out of whack. 

Bottom line...it's worth it to track them. 

I hope this post helped you out in one way or another! Until next time!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Friday, March 13, 2015


Hello there Shirelings!!!

Here is another post on something else that I am head over heels for!!!

I have used Shakeology in the past and I totally forgot how great it makes me feel.
I recently got another order and have been drinking it for breakfast.....WOW!

My afternoon sweet tooth has disappeared.
I don't crave junk food at all any more.
I have tons more energy and I just feel better.

"Habit is health or habit is disease. It's your choice." -Darin Olien, Shakeology Ingredient Hunter

One of the girls I work with asked me, "So what is it? Protein powder?"
It is a HUNDRED steps up from protein powder.

  • It's a nutritionally dense meal in a glass.
  • It has superfoods from all over the WORLD (and honestly, that fascinates me).
  • There are no GMO's, its all natural...literally, nature in a bag.
  • There are proteins and amino acids to build muscle, improve skin and hair, boost brain function, improve mood, and reduce your cravings
  • Antioxidants and super-fruits (Goji berry, acai, pomegranate, the list goes on)
  • Prebiotics and probiotics to promote regularity and improve digestion
  • Digestive enzymes to help break down food for better absorption
And it's so easy to add into your meal plan.
When I'm strapped for time I throw in in my shaker bottle with some milk and hit the road.
One of my favorites though is to throw it in the blender (I always get chocolate) with skim milk, a banana, and some peanut butter. YUM! 

This is a really great thing for me because I don't eat breakfast all that often. I just don't have time in the mornings (I do love my sleep). So I love love LOVE that I can just throw a ShakeO shake together and know that I'm getting one of the healthiest meals available anywhere EVER, first thing in the morning.

So if you're like me and you're super busy and strapped for time, or you don't usually eat breakfast, or even if you're one of those folks that doesn't like fruits and veggies, you may want to consider trying Shakeology. It WILL make a difference, I swear.

Now, I AM a Beachbody Coach, and initially it was just to get the discount on Shakeology, but after starting this blog and deciding to eat healthier and BE healthier, I want to help others do the same.
So if you are interested in ShakeO, or any of the other products that Beachbody has to offer (INSANITY, P90X, 21 Day Fix, etc), check out my Beachbody Coach Website.

That's it for now everyone! Have a great weekend!!!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Six Pack Bag

The wait is over! I promised you guys weeks ago a blog on a new product I have been using for a couple months and LOVE.

And I do want to start out by saying that the following post contains my 100% honest thoughts and opinions. I'm not being paid or asked to say any of it and that Six Pack Bags does not even know who I am or about my blog. (I don't think ANYONE knows about me or my blog but whatever).

So the product is one of the Meal Management bags by Six Pack Bags. I got the Expert Innovator Mini in Pink/Purple.  It comes in a few other colors like black/black, black/red, and red/grey.

Here is the front view.

When you open the front compartment, it has three shelves that fit the plastic meal containers that come with it and they are the perfect size for lunches. They are also BPA free, leak-proof, and microwave and dishwasher safe.

Front compartment open. (Look how cool that is!)

One of the cute containers

Also in the front compartment is a zippered pouch that holds the small reusable freezer pack that is included. (You get one large one and one small one)

Large and small reusable freezer packs

Zipper pouch in front compartment. 

There is another zipper on top of the bag and inside is another plastic container and this one is sectioned off, by removable dividers, into nine separate sections. I use it to keep my vitamins and supplements separated for each day.

Top compartment with another zipper pouch 

Divided container

You also access the pouch that holds the large freezer pack through the top zipper.

See? Right there behind the shelves

On either side of the bag are upright zippered pouches. I always stick my water bottle in one and it fits just fine. 

Just for reference, this water bottle is 28oz

The larger shaker type bottles also fit nicely 

And last but not least, on the back of the bag there is a strap that can be slipped over the handle of a roll-along suitcase for travelling. Oh, and the bag has loops on top that you can hook a shoulder strap to but the strap does not come with the Mini. It does, however, come with the larger sizes.

Wow...sorry about the paperwork in the background! 

I love this bag so, so, so, much and I truly believe that it has helped A LOT in my quest to eat healthier. Before I was just throwing whatever I could find in a regular lunch bag, but buying this bag motivated me to start planning out my meals. I'll have to remember to take some pics of the lunches I bring because I take it with me to work Every. Single. Day.

I think the Mini size is perfect for what I use it for. I put my lunch, snacks and water bottle in it and am good to go. The bigger ones, like the duffle bags, are more for traveling or even family picnics as they hold up to 6 meals!

If you guys have one or are thinking about getting one, let me know!

Good night Shirelings!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Next Step - Again!

OK! Not going to lie, the yoga thing did NOT work out for me.

The first day was amazing. I loved it. They went nice and slow, explained how to do each pose and how to breathe properly (which was always the hard thing for me in yoga) and I really did feel better afterward and all through the next day.

The second day? Complete 180. It was a different instructor and she went super fast and didn't explain anything and it was hard to follow. Oh, AND, apparently I needed a yoga block which it says NO WHERE to warn you ahead of time. But, I pushed through anyway.

Day three, same thing. Needed a yoga block and strap. That's it, I'm done.

So what now?

I used to do Kettlebell and it was fun and effective. So I think I'm going to pick that back up.
I like that you can get a whole body workout in minimal time with just the one KB and you can start with a light one and work your way up.

So to start, I'm going to do something that's straight forward and simple to follow.

5 exercises, 1 Kettlebell, Done. Simple and effective.

Once things FINALLY warm up around here (-22 this morning, ugh), I want to get out and start walking again. I live roughly 5 minutes from Crooked Creek State Park and am SO excited to get out on the hiking trails this summer. Who knows, maybe I'll start running again. We shall see.

Well, I'm out for now Shirelings. I WILL do a post on that new thing I told you about last post here soon.
Until then,

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Monday, February 2, 2015

Next Step!

Here we are in a new month! How did January go for you guys???

I think I did really well considering how bad things were before.I mainly stayed within 1,300 to 1,800 calories everyday, straying only once or twice, and mostly "good" food.
I ate a LOT of fruits and veggies, fish, brown rice and other whole grains, and some chicken breast.

I'm not just making this up you guys, but I feel SOOOOOO much better already. I have more energy, I don't get bogged down at around 2:30 every afternoon, and I just FEEL good.

I took my measurements again just to keep track and see what kind of progress I'm making, if any.
They are as follows:

Bust: 38"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 30"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 25"
Upper Arms: 12.5"
Forearms: 10"
Stomach: 37.5"

Now if you'll compare these to my old ones, you'll see that I've lost three inches overall.
Three inches overall in 21 days (not even a whole month) and I haven't worked out once. That's by changing my diet only.

Although, I have continued to have problems with my stress and anxiety levels. REALLY BAD.
So that brings me to my next step...


Now once again I'm not going to just jump right in there going from a mostly sedentary life to doing, for example, INSANITY.

Taking my stress and anxiety into consideration, I have decided to take up yoga AND meditation.
I have been searching far and wide across the internet for a beginners routine and I came across
www.yogajournal.com.  I've been doing so much reading about the origins of yoga and bushing up on definitions and the like, but I also found this...

They have both Beginner and Intermediate levels and videos to walk you through each day.

I am so excited to start this. I have my spare bedroom all de-cluttered and ready to be my "quiet room" for both yoga and my meditation.

I'll keep you guys posted on how things go!
Also, I have something new to show you!!! But that will be the next post ;)

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Friday, January 23, 2015

Motivation Day!!!

Hello again Shirelings!!! And Happy Friday!!!

Today is going to be a Motivation Day because, I don't know about you but, I always tend to struggle on Fridays and through the weekend. Hopefully this post will help you push through.

Because you know what? We all binge, we all skip workouts, we eat the wrong foods, we eat too much food, or too little food...We are ALL human. We make mistakes. But DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!! Just acknowledge that you've strayed a little bit (don't beat yourself up over it and don't punish yourself in any way) just get right back in there!!!! You got this!

Do it for every time you've looked in the mirror and hated what you saw.
Do it for every time you've cried over your body.
Do it for the fit body.
Do it for the double-takes.
Do it for YOU!
Get healthy! Lose that weight! Build those muscles!

There's always that moment where you feel like giving up. Where all the hassle just doesn't seem worth it. THAT, my friends, is where the change really happens. Keep going. It took time to get out of shape, it's going to take just as long to get where you want to be. Be patient. 

Don't say, "Oh, well, I'll start tomorrow."
Today IS your tomorrow! It's up to YOU to shape it. 
Take control and seize every opportunity.
The power is in the choices YOU make each and every day. 
Eat Well, Live Well, BE Well!

If you guys are anything like me, then you know what it feels like to give up.
Let's find out together what it feels like when we don't.
Let's make it happen! Let's shock every single person that ever said we couldn't do it, or wouldn't do it! 

Sorry if I got a little preachy today...I just need a kick in the face every once in awhile so I figured maybe other people do too.
I hope this helps you either stay on track or get back on track. 
Stay with it you guys. It will be worth it in the end.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."