Monday, January 12, 2015


Well I did it.
I took my measurements.
And I STILL don't want to post them...But here goes anyway...(And, just to put things in proper perspective, I stand at 5'2 1/2".)

Oh, I can't believe I'm putting this out there for everyone to see.......

****Long, loud, frustrated groan****

Hobbit Heather's Measurements as of 1/12/2015:
Bust: 38"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 31"
Stomach: 39"
Hips: 41"
Thighs: 25"
Upper Arm: 13"
Forearm: 10"
Weight: 153

Well...There you have it folks. The extent of my squishiness.
I really really REALLY hope I can get this under control and loose some inches. I AM going to Florida this summer after all, and I'll be damned if I'm sitting on the beach all covered up.

But I think that's enough for now,
Goodnight my Shirelings.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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