Friday, January 23, 2015

Motivation Day!!!

Hello again Shirelings!!! And Happy Friday!!!

Today is going to be a Motivation Day because, I don't know about you but, I always tend to struggle on Fridays and through the weekend. Hopefully this post will help you push through.

Because you know what? We all binge, we all skip workouts, we eat the wrong foods, we eat too much food, or too little food...We are ALL human. We make mistakes. But DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!! Just acknowledge that you've strayed a little bit (don't beat yourself up over it and don't punish yourself in any way) just get right back in there!!!! You got this!

Do it for every time you've looked in the mirror and hated what you saw.
Do it for every time you've cried over your body.
Do it for the fit body.
Do it for the double-takes.
Do it for YOU!
Get healthy! Lose that weight! Build those muscles!

There's always that moment where you feel like giving up. Where all the hassle just doesn't seem worth it. THAT, my friends, is where the change really happens. Keep going. It took time to get out of shape, it's going to take just as long to get where you want to be. Be patient. 

Don't say, "Oh, well, I'll start tomorrow."
Today IS your tomorrow! It's up to YOU to shape it. 
Take control and seize every opportunity.
The power is in the choices YOU make each and every day. 
Eat Well, Live Well, BE Well!

If you guys are anything like me, then you know what it feels like to give up.
Let's find out together what it feels like when we don't.
Let's make it happen! Let's shock every single person that ever said we couldn't do it, or wouldn't do it! 

Sorry if I got a little preachy today...I just need a kick in the face every once in awhile so I figured maybe other people do too.
I hope this helps you either stay on track or get back on track. 
Stay with it you guys. It will be worth it in the end.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Monday, January 12, 2015


Well I did it.
I took my measurements.
And I STILL don't want to post them...But here goes anyway...(And, just to put things in proper perspective, I stand at 5'2 1/2".)

Oh, I can't believe I'm putting this out there for everyone to see.......

****Long, loud, frustrated groan****

Hobbit Heather's Measurements as of 1/12/2015:
Bust: 38"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 31"
Stomach: 39"
Hips: 41"
Thighs: 25"
Upper Arm: 13"
Forearm: 10"
Weight: 153

Well...There you have it folks. The extent of my squishiness.
I really really REALLY hope I can get this under control and loose some inches. I AM going to Florida this summer after all, and I'll be damned if I'm sitting on the beach all covered up.

But I think that's enough for now,
Goodnight my Shirelings.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."


Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been posting. I know I said I would do a post on Tuesday with all my measurements and everything, but the truth is....


I don't want to take my measurements, I don't want to step on the scale.
I know that I'm out of shape and heavier than I should be, but I don't want to know by how MUCH.

I'm nervous to put them out there for all to see.
I mean, I know I have to, but still. Ugh.

On another note, I've been doing pretty good so far!
Went pretty heavy with the fruits and veggies on Tuesday to try and get everything jump started.

For breakfast I had my Blueberry Pineapple Shake with vanilla Protein Powder.

Lunch was some sliced beets sprinkled with some course sea salt.

My afternoon snack was an orange bell pepper drizzled with a little bit of Sweet & Sour salad dressing.

I got a little off track with dinner because one of my friends made homemade Stromboli. But I only had a little, with a glass of low-fat chocolate milk.

Wednesday was another good day!

Breakfast - English Muffin with grape jelly
Morning Snack - Blueberry Pineapple shake (No Protein powder)
Lunch - Spinach Salad

Oh my goodness my salad was sooooo good!
I made it with baby spinach, orange bell pepper, tomato, carrots, apple, and dried cranberries! It didn't even need dressing (and I've never been able to eat salad without SOME kind of dressing).

Afternoon Snack - Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Dinner - Hot Sausage and Homemade BAKED breaded mushrooms. (I even made my own seasoned bread crumbs!)


Breakfast - 1/2 Grapefruit
Morning Snack - English Muffin, Hard Boiled Egg
Lunch - Oven Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Afternoon Snack - Orange
***I gave into my sweet tooth today...had a snack size Almond Joy.
Dinner - BST (Bacon, Spinach, Tomato) on Whole Grain bread with a little spicy brown mustard. Nom Nom!

I have been hitting around 1500-1600 calories a day so that's a LOT better than what I was eating before! So things seem to be on the right track :)

I AM going to post my stats next post...I PROMISE!
But until then, I'm out.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Monday, January 5, 2015

Eating Healthy

Hello again!

In my last few posts I've talked about portion control and how I'm going to start watching what I eat. I haven't yet talked about WHAT I'm going to eat. Well...Here we go!

I wrote out my grocery list yesterday and its definitely heavy on the fruits and veggies, which I have loved since I was little, I just never eat enough of them.

I keep seeing buzz about warm lemon water. I'm going to give it a try because a.) it's worth a shot and b.) either way, it's water and I intend to drink LOTS of water.

I plan on having smoothies for my breakfasts. I love ones with almond milk and fruits, they taste like dessert. But I have found a recipe for a green detox smoothie that packs in fruits and two green veggies first thing in the morning.

Green Detox Smoothie:
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Chopped Cucumber
1 Cup Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 Banana
1 Apple (cored)
2 Cups Baby Spinach
Juice of half a lemon

I think having something healthy like this first thing in the morning sets you up to make better nutritional choices throughout the day.

I'm big on salads. They're easy to pack up the night before and just toss them in the lunch bag in the morning. I have a lovely chart on how to build a perfect salad.

I have so many good ideas for dinners that I found on Pinterest. You can find them on my Healthy Food = Healthy Body board. There are just way too many to post here.

I'm actually super excited to start eating healthier so I can start feeling better.
Tomorrow is Day 1. I'll definitely make a post with all my measurements and what I take for my meals.
Until then,

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Friday, January 2, 2015

My GoStak!

My BlenderBottle GoStak came!!!!
It's so cute, I love it already.

It's a little bit smaller than I thought it would be but that's fine.
It's EXTREMELY well made with nice, thick plastic. The lids are secure, both on the jars themselves and the way they lock together so no worries about anything coming apart or leaking. *thumbs up*

Another feature that I found really cool is that they are made to fit right down in the BlenderBottles.
I ordered the smaller 20oz one because the big one I have is just TOO big. So the complete StarterPak with all 4 jars wont fit in my bottle but you get the idea.

 Just showing how it fits right down in there
This is without the largest jar. The other 3 fit right in and the bottle lid goes on fine.

It will definitely save space in the lunch/gym bag!

My next post will be on what I plan on putting in these little babies (and just eating in general) so keep an eye out!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."