Monday, January 5, 2015

Eating Healthy

Hello again!

In my last few posts I've talked about portion control and how I'm going to start watching what I eat. I haven't yet talked about WHAT I'm going to eat. Well...Here we go!

I wrote out my grocery list yesterday and its definitely heavy on the fruits and veggies, which I have loved since I was little, I just never eat enough of them.

I keep seeing buzz about warm lemon water. I'm going to give it a try because a.) it's worth a shot and b.) either way, it's water and I intend to drink LOTS of water.

I plan on having smoothies for my breakfasts. I love ones with almond milk and fruits, they taste like dessert. But I have found a recipe for a green detox smoothie that packs in fruits and two green veggies first thing in the morning.

Green Detox Smoothie:
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Chopped Cucumber
1 Cup Strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1 Banana
1 Apple (cored)
2 Cups Baby Spinach
Juice of half a lemon

I think having something healthy like this first thing in the morning sets you up to make better nutritional choices throughout the day.

I'm big on salads. They're easy to pack up the night before and just toss them in the lunch bag in the morning. I have a lovely chart on how to build a perfect salad.

I have so many good ideas for dinners that I found on Pinterest. You can find them on my Healthy Food = Healthy Body board. There are just way too many to post here.

I'm actually super excited to start eating healthier so I can start feeling better.
Tomorrow is Day 1. I'll definitely make a post with all my measurements and what I take for my meals.
Until then,

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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