Monday, February 2, 2015

Next Step!

Here we are in a new month! How did January go for you guys???

I think I did really well considering how bad things were before.I mainly stayed within 1,300 to 1,800 calories everyday, straying only once or twice, and mostly "good" food.
I ate a LOT of fruits and veggies, fish, brown rice and other whole grains, and some chicken breast.

I'm not just making this up you guys, but I feel SOOOOOO much better already. I have more energy, I don't get bogged down at around 2:30 every afternoon, and I just FEEL good.

I took my measurements again just to keep track and see what kind of progress I'm making, if any.
They are as follows:

Bust: 38"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 30"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 25"
Upper Arms: 12.5"
Forearms: 10"
Stomach: 37.5"

Now if you'll compare these to my old ones, you'll see that I've lost three inches overall.
Three inches overall in 21 days (not even a whole month) and I haven't worked out once. That's by changing my diet only.

Although, I have continued to have problems with my stress and anxiety levels. REALLY BAD.
So that brings me to my next step...


Now once again I'm not going to just jump right in there going from a mostly sedentary life to doing, for example, INSANITY.

Taking my stress and anxiety into consideration, I have decided to take up yoga AND meditation.
I have been searching far and wide across the internet for a beginners routine and I came across  I've been doing so much reading about the origins of yoga and bushing up on definitions and the like, but I also found this...

They have both Beginner and Intermediate levels and videos to walk you through each day.

I am so excited to start this. I have my spare bedroom all de-cluttered and ready to be my "quiet room" for both yoga and my meditation.

I'll keep you guys posted on how things go!
Also, I have something new to show you!!! But that will be the next post ;)

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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