Monday, December 29, 2014

Eating Habits - Portion Control

Ok...So, over the weekend I realized something about myself:
My eating habits are atrocious (Mom would be proud, that's one of her favorite words).
I never thought they were all that bad, but then I really started paying attention this weekend.

If I love what I'm eating and it's one of those things that just. tastes. so. good! I will continue shoving it into my mouth until I'm so full I want to curl up in a ball and die. Not just full. Uncomfortably full.
Also, if something is sitting in front of me, I will eat it. Even if I'm not hungry.
Case in point, a bag of Lindor truffles I got from a friend for Christmas. Gone, yesterday, the whole bag. Wow, I have a problem.

In light of this, I think getting my diet back on track is going to be the first thing I tackle. After all, you can't out-exercise a bad diet.

See! Told ya!

Now, I don't just want to jump into this all at once. I would be setting myself up for failure. So I'm going to take it one step at a time. That way I won't get crazy overwhelmed and give up.

I think that's why a lot of people's New Years Resolutions don't pan out. Don't get me wrong, it's great that they want to start dieting and exercising and getting healthy. But if you go from eating whatever you want to eating "rabbit food" for every meal AND go from being a couch potato to working out 5+ days a week at the same time, I don't care who you are, it's going to suck.

  • Portion control 
  • Actually paying attention to what I eat.

But what ACTUALLY comes first? Research!!!!
I combed through website after website looking for the best portion control tips and products. Here is what I found:

***I see a lot of buzz about the 21-Day Fix program that's available through Beachbody. The same company that gave us P90X and INSANITY.

It's the one with the little color coded containers for your portion control, DVD's for your workouts, an eating plan, the whole works.
This sounds like an amazing plan and I may try it sometime in the future. However, in the spirit of not making too many changes to fast, I think I'm going to pass on it for now.

***Another thing that seems to be coming up a lot is the Meal Measure Portion Control Plate

It's a great concept and it looks like it would work wonderfully, but at the same time, it's not quite what I'm looking for. 

***There are always the divided plates, as long as you're not looking for something subtle.

***But there are dishes available for when you ARE trying to be subtle about it.
These are so gorgeous while at the same time being perfect for portion control! I may have to get these eventually too!


The product I found that is perfect for what I need right now is....*Drumroll*....

  • They are adorable
  • They lock together so no fumbling around a lunch bag trying to find anything.
  • Mix and Match
  • Comes with a handle - Yay for Portability!
  • Easy to take back and forth to work or when I'm out and about
  • Multiple sizes, perfect for snack combos! (i.e. Big one for baby carrots, smallest for hummus)

Well, I went and placed an order for a Starter Pak (In Pink)
I'm so excited for it to come!! I'll totally post again when it's here to let you know how I like it.

WOW - This post is getting quite lengthy so I'm going to cut it off here and I'll do another post for the  "Actually paying attention to what I eat" section.

Out for now!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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