Friday, December 26, 2014

And so it begins...

In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.....

WAIT. Time out. That's a different story...
But this blog DOES involve a hobbit. ME!

Hi there! My name is Heather, or Hobbit (I'll answer to either), and I'm starting this blog to use as a tool in my journey to become fit and healthy, (and hopefully inspire others to as well).

My 27th birthday is coming up here on January 5th and I've really started looking at my life and future.  I'm not getting any younger and I'm slowly starting to creep up on *gulp* 30. *eeeeek*

During these reflections, I realized that there are a LOT of health problems in my family: asthma, diabetes, heart problems, joint problems, back problems, (you name it, I've got it on one side of the family or the other) and I want to try and stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can. I need to get my body in tip top shape.

I've noticed that I don't feel -right- anymore. It's very hard to explain unless you've felt it as well. It's kind of a 'blah' feeling, and my body just doesn't seem to function like it should (I think its something called....getting older....).

Currently I live a rather sedentary life. A typical day usually goes something like this:

  • Wake up and get ready for work
  • 1/2 hour commute to work
  • Sit at my desk for 8 1/2 hours
  • 1/2 hour commute home
  • Cook dinner - Usually something quick and easy
  • Clean up
  • Plop down on the couch for some video game time with Dave (My boyfriend)
  • OR our friends come over for Dungeons and Dragons (If you read my profile, I TOLD you I'm a nerd lol)
  • Bedtime

So you can see where the major problem is. Between trying to get my 8-9 hours of sleep a night (I get SERIOUSLY grouchy if I don't), plus approximately 11 hours sitting throughout the day...I don't really get to move around much.


I'm going to try and change that AND start eating healthier as well.

I'm hoping that this blog will hold me accountable and motivate me to keep going so I can look back at this post a year from now and be like "HA! That's NOT me anymore! I did it!!!"

But I'm out for now guys, I'll post again soon.

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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