Friday, February 20, 2015

Next Step - Again!

OK! Not going to lie, the yoga thing did NOT work out for me.

The first day was amazing. I loved it. They went nice and slow, explained how to do each pose and how to breathe properly (which was always the hard thing for me in yoga) and I really did feel better afterward and all through the next day.

The second day? Complete 180. It was a different instructor and she went super fast and didn't explain anything and it was hard to follow. Oh, AND, apparently I needed a yoga block which it says NO WHERE to warn you ahead of time. But, I pushed through anyway.

Day three, same thing. Needed a yoga block and strap. That's it, I'm done.

So what now?

I used to do Kettlebell and it was fun and effective. So I think I'm going to pick that back up.
I like that you can get a whole body workout in minimal time with just the one KB and you can start with a light one and work your way up.

So to start, I'm going to do something that's straight forward and simple to follow.

5 exercises, 1 Kettlebell, Done. Simple and effective.

Once things FINALLY warm up around here (-22 this morning, ugh), I want to get out and start walking again. I live roughly 5 minutes from Crooked Creek State Park and am SO excited to get out on the hiking trails this summer. Who knows, maybe I'll start running again. We shall see.

Well, I'm out for now Shirelings. I WILL do a post on that new thing I told you about last post here soon.
Until then,

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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