Friday, February 20, 2015

Six Pack Bag

The wait is over! I promised you guys weeks ago a blog on a new product I have been using for a couple months and LOVE.

And I do want to start out by saying that the following post contains my 100% honest thoughts and opinions. I'm not being paid or asked to say any of it and that Six Pack Bags does not even know who I am or about my blog. (I don't think ANYONE knows about me or my blog but whatever).

So the product is one of the Meal Management bags by Six Pack Bags. I got the Expert Innovator Mini in Pink/Purple.  It comes in a few other colors like black/black, black/red, and red/grey.

Here is the front view.

When you open the front compartment, it has three shelves that fit the plastic meal containers that come with it and they are the perfect size for lunches. They are also BPA free, leak-proof, and microwave and dishwasher safe.

Front compartment open. (Look how cool that is!)

One of the cute containers

Also in the front compartment is a zippered pouch that holds the small reusable freezer pack that is included. (You get one large one and one small one)

Large and small reusable freezer packs

Zipper pouch in front compartment. 

There is another zipper on top of the bag and inside is another plastic container and this one is sectioned off, by removable dividers, into nine separate sections. I use it to keep my vitamins and supplements separated for each day.

Top compartment with another zipper pouch 

Divided container

You also access the pouch that holds the large freezer pack through the top zipper.

See? Right there behind the shelves

On either side of the bag are upright zippered pouches. I always stick my water bottle in one and it fits just fine. 

Just for reference, this water bottle is 28oz

The larger shaker type bottles also fit nicely 

And last but not least, on the back of the bag there is a strap that can be slipped over the handle of a roll-along suitcase for travelling. Oh, and the bag has loops on top that you can hook a shoulder strap to but the strap does not come with the Mini. It does, however, come with the larger sizes.

Wow...sorry about the paperwork in the background! 

I love this bag so, so, so, much and I truly believe that it has helped A LOT in my quest to eat healthier. Before I was just throwing whatever I could find in a regular lunch bag, but buying this bag motivated me to start planning out my meals. I'll have to remember to take some pics of the lunches I bring because I take it with me to work Every. Single. Day.

I think the Mini size is perfect for what I use it for. I put my lunch, snacks and water bottle in it and am good to go. The bigger ones, like the duffle bags, are more for traveling or even family picnics as they hold up to 6 meals!

If you guys have one or are thinking about getting one, let me know!

Good night Shirelings!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Next Step - Again!

OK! Not going to lie, the yoga thing did NOT work out for me.

The first day was amazing. I loved it. They went nice and slow, explained how to do each pose and how to breathe properly (which was always the hard thing for me in yoga) and I really did feel better afterward and all through the next day.

The second day? Complete 180. It was a different instructor and she went super fast and didn't explain anything and it was hard to follow. Oh, AND, apparently I needed a yoga block which it says NO WHERE to warn you ahead of time. But, I pushed through anyway.

Day three, same thing. Needed a yoga block and strap. That's it, I'm done.

So what now?

I used to do Kettlebell and it was fun and effective. So I think I'm going to pick that back up.
I like that you can get a whole body workout in minimal time with just the one KB and you can start with a light one and work your way up.

So to start, I'm going to do something that's straight forward and simple to follow.

5 exercises, 1 Kettlebell, Done. Simple and effective.

Once things FINALLY warm up around here (-22 this morning, ugh), I want to get out and start walking again. I live roughly 5 minutes from Crooked Creek State Park and am SO excited to get out on the hiking trails this summer. Who knows, maybe I'll start running again. We shall see.

Well, I'm out for now Shirelings. I WILL do a post on that new thing I told you about last post here soon.
Until then,

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

Monday, February 2, 2015

Next Step!

Here we are in a new month! How did January go for you guys???

I think I did really well considering how bad things were before.I mainly stayed within 1,300 to 1,800 calories everyday, straying only once or twice, and mostly "good" food.
I ate a LOT of fruits and veggies, fish, brown rice and other whole grains, and some chicken breast.

I'm not just making this up you guys, but I feel SOOOOOO much better already. I have more energy, I don't get bogged down at around 2:30 every afternoon, and I just FEEL good.

I took my measurements again just to keep track and see what kind of progress I'm making, if any.
They are as follows:

Bust: 38"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 30"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 25"
Upper Arms: 12.5"
Forearms: 10"
Stomach: 37.5"

Now if you'll compare these to my old ones, you'll see that I've lost three inches overall.
Three inches overall in 21 days (not even a whole month) and I haven't worked out once. That's by changing my diet only.

Although, I have continued to have problems with my stress and anxiety levels. REALLY BAD.
So that brings me to my next step...


Now once again I'm not going to just jump right in there going from a mostly sedentary life to doing, for example, INSANITY.

Taking my stress and anxiety into consideration, I have decided to take up yoga AND meditation.
I have been searching far and wide across the internet for a beginners routine and I came across  I've been doing so much reading about the origins of yoga and bushing up on definitions and the like, but I also found this...

They have both Beginner and Intermediate levels and videos to walk you through each day.

I am so excited to start this. I have my spare bedroom all de-cluttered and ready to be my "quiet room" for both yoga and my meditation.

I'll keep you guys posted on how things go!
Also, I have something new to show you!!! But that will be the next post ;)

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."