Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I'm Becoming A Gym Rat...

Well guys, I broke down and joined my local gym.

My at-home workouts just weren't happening.
When I get home from work in the evenings, I'm so burnt out from my work day that I just don't feel like doing ANYTHING, let alone working out.

I've been working out Monday-Friday (with only 2 missed days so far) for a month now and I LOVE IT. The gym I go to is a 24/7 gym so I can go whenever I want.

I've been going early in the morning before work and let me tell you...it's tough. I have NEVER in my life been a morning person. But I found a ton of tips online and talked to a couple girls at work who have always done their workouts in the morning and I've compiled a list of tips to becoming a morning workout person:

  • PACK YOUR STUFF THE NIGHT BEFORE. I get everything ready to go at night so I can just walk out my door in the morning. My gym bag (water bottle, towel, shampoo, body wash, lotion, body spray, travel hair brush, hair spray, make up bag, work clothes, and fresh undies), and my lunch bag (lunch, snacks, shaker bottle, and a scoop of my Shakeology powder).
  • HAVE YOUR WORKOUT CLOTHES READY TO GO. I pick mine out, again, the night before and have them laid out on my dresser so I can just grab them and get dressed as soon as I roll out of bed. (I've even heard that some people sleep in their workout clothes).
  • GO TO BED EARLY. This one was hard for me. I'm a night owl and love to stay up late. Plus, that was when I got everything done around the house (so I've been relying a lot on my boyfriend's help to keep the house clean.) Since I get up at 5:30 and the recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours, I TRY to be in bed by 9:30 and most of the time I succeed.
  • DON'T HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. It's tempting...oh I know it's tempting, but DON'T DO IT. It just makes it that much easier to say "Eh, I already snoozed, I'm just not going". Roll your butt out of bed as soon as that alarm goes off.
  • LET YOUR HUBBY/WIFE/BF/GF/SO KNOW WHAT'S UP. I used to have a horrible problem with Dave. When my alarm would go off he'd snuggle up to me and say "Don't go. Just stay home today" and I almost did a couple times. BUT, I talked to him and let him know how important it is to me that I get back into shape and start getting healthy again and he understands, so now he just lets me go about my business in the morning. 
  • FIND A FRIEND. When I first started working out in the mornings I didn't think I'd stick with it. But one of the girls in my department at work goes to the same gym I do in the mornings. If she doesn't see me at the gym she will BUST MY BUTT!!!!! If there is ever a day I consider not going, I think "I have to or shes going to cuss me out at work today". So see if you can enlist someone, ANYONE, to be your workout buddy. Or, just make friends at the gym! = )

I've noticed a lot of benefits to working out in the morning:
  • I'm happier and more energetic throughout the day.
  • My days seem to go faster because I'm getting so much done first thing in the morning.
  • I don't miss out on time with Dave because he's still sleeping. Since I work weekdays and he works weekends the evenings are our only chance to see each other.
  • I get kind of a weird rush knowing that I'm doing more before 8AM than most people do in a whole day (hey, I admitted it was weird). 
  • There are only a few people in the gym that early, as opposed to being PACKED FULL after work. 

All in all, I'm happy with my morning sweat sessions.
I do need to take and post my measurements again, I haven't done that in awhile. Gotta check up on my progress! Until then, good bye Shirelings!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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