Friday, March 13, 2015


Hello there Shirelings!!!

Here is another post on something else that I am head over heels for!!!

I have used Shakeology in the past and I totally forgot how great it makes me feel.
I recently got another order and have been drinking it for breakfast.....WOW!

My afternoon sweet tooth has disappeared.
I don't crave junk food at all any more.
I have tons more energy and I just feel better.

"Habit is health or habit is disease. It's your choice." -Darin Olien, Shakeology Ingredient Hunter

One of the girls I work with asked me, "So what is it? Protein powder?"
It is a HUNDRED steps up from protein powder.

  • It's a nutritionally dense meal in a glass.
  • It has superfoods from all over the WORLD (and honestly, that fascinates me).
  • There are no GMO's, its all natural...literally, nature in a bag.
  • There are proteins and amino acids to build muscle, improve skin and hair, boost brain function, improve mood, and reduce your cravings
  • Antioxidants and super-fruits (Goji berry, acai, pomegranate, the list goes on)
  • Prebiotics and probiotics to promote regularity and improve digestion
  • Digestive enzymes to help break down food for better absorption
And it's so easy to add into your meal plan.
When I'm strapped for time I throw in in my shaker bottle with some milk and hit the road.
One of my favorites though is to throw it in the blender (I always get chocolate) with skim milk, a banana, and some peanut butter. YUM! 

This is a really great thing for me because I don't eat breakfast all that often. I just don't have time in the mornings (I do love my sleep). So I love love LOVE that I can just throw a ShakeO shake together and know that I'm getting one of the healthiest meals available anywhere EVER, first thing in the morning.

So if you're like me and you're super busy and strapped for time, or you don't usually eat breakfast, or even if you're one of those folks that doesn't like fruits and veggies, you may want to consider trying Shakeology. It WILL make a difference, I swear.

Now, I AM a Beachbody Coach, and initially it was just to get the discount on Shakeology, but after starting this blog and deciding to eat healthier and BE healthier, I want to help others do the same.
So if you are interested in ShakeO, or any of the other products that Beachbody has to offer (INSANITY, P90X, 21 Day Fix, etc), check out my Beachbody Coach Website.

That's it for now everyone! Have a great weekend!!!

"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."

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